Snapshot details:
Network: weeklynet
History mode: rolling
GCS: gs://tf-snapshot-us/weeklynet/rolling
Level: 29287
Block hash: BMVUCmjQSUr1KvQwUJaSHLd1kgaegHrJnH4x4XMY6fZ255E4aXY
SHA256: b18ccbea2d39583646fabf672628655f92781e96d921f07b0daa400d9a20f57f
Creation Date: 2024-09-19T09:44:51Z
Snapshot vers: 8
Download the snapshot over HTTPS as follows:
wget -O snapshot_file
Download the snapshot over Google Cloud Storage as follows:
gcloud storage cp gs://tf-snapshot-us/weeklynet/rolling snapshot_file
Import the snapshot with Octez:
octez-node snapshot import snapshot_file
If you are concerned about checking the block hash, use:
octez-node snapshot import snapshot_file --block BMVUCmjQSUr1KvQwUJaSHLd1kgaegHrJnH4x4XMY6fZ255E4aXY
Set up Bakebuddy from a snapshot:
tezbake bootstrap-node BMVUCmjQSUr1KvQwUJaSHLd1kgaegHrJnH4x4XMY6fZ255E4aXY