Snapshot details:
Network: ghostnet History mode: rolling HTTPS: GCS: gs://tf-snapshot-us/ghostnet/rolling Level: 8569098 Block hash: BLRQ6UvakLa4mXCJiwUzHS5r115xcGvJEHGcjAiYDRGhSnY4RtT SHA256: c893db47f3ed35c9df9b54b0a5b4f27c270403bc768266932b483698270c37c5 Creation Date: 2024-10-16T03:59:52Z Snapshot vers: 7
Download the snapshot over HTTPS as follows:
wget -O snapshot_file
Download the snapshot over Google Cloud Storage as follows:
gcloud storage cp gs://tf-snapshot-us/ghostnet/rolling snapshot_file
Import the snapshot with Octez:
octez-node snapshot import snapshot_file
If you are concerned about checking the block hash, use:
octez-node snapshot import snapshot_file --block BLRQ6UvakLa4mXCJiwUzHS5r115xcGvJEHGcjAiYDRGhSnY4RtT
Set up Bakebuddy from a snapshot:
tezbake bootstrap-node BLRQ6UvakLa4mXCJiwUzHS5r115xcGvJEHGcjAiYDRGhSnY4RtT